16 years, 4 months ago
I remember a game I played with my mom when I was little. It was like bomberman but isntead of Bomberman, you played as Volkswagen beetles and you drop bombs that electrify the enemy. I also remember that the game had spike strips that made your character's wheels flat and you would move slower. Please help me remember the game.. :cry:
    Bomberman's Avatar
    3299 Posts
    16 years, 4 months ago
    Could it be Rally X? I never thought of that game like Bomberman... but the way you describe it sure sounds like it. I suppose it's the overhead view.
    Game... ovahhhhhhhhh!!!
      chrisno51's Avatar
      1574 Posts
      16 years, 4 months ago
      Though it's possible that you're not, but could you be thinking of R.C. Pro-AM?
        Drakon's Avatar
        3703 Posts
        16 years, 4 months ago
        sounds like rock'n'roll racing to me, except that was snes
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