"Shadow the Hedgehog" is one of my favorite games, man! :( It's best played on the Gamecube.
Mezase_Master"Shadow the Hedgehog" is one of my favorite games, man! :( It's best played on the Gamecube.
I whole-heartedly agree. 8)
"Sonic Adventure 2: Battle" for the Nintendo Gamecube was the first Sonic game on a Nintendo system.Xe-A-ThoulMezase_Master"Shadow the Hedgehog" is one of my favorite games, man! :( It's best played on the Gamecube.
I whole-heartedly agree. 8)
Mezase_Master"Sonic Adventure 2: Battle" for the Nintendo Gamecube was the first Sonic game on a Nintendo system.Xe-A-ThoulMezase_Master"Shadow the Hedgehog" is one of my favorite games, man! :( It's best played on the Gamecube.
I whole-heartedly agree. 8)
Sonic is a hedgehog.
u guys think i hate it?
knuclear200xu guys think i hate it?
I don't, because it wasn't bad at all. 8)