RetroBen81's Avatar
713 Posts
16 years, 1 month ago
Who remembers the Atari 400 and 800 computer video game systems and their successors, the 600XL and 800XL?

The 400 and 800, codenamed "Candy" and "Colleen" respectively (presumably, after two of the company's then-current secretaries), were announced in the early winter of 1979 and were officially released that fall. The 400 had a membrane-type keyboard and only one cartridge slot, while the more-expensive 800 had a proper typewriter-style keyboard and two cartridge slots (one for the BASIC cart and the other for video game carts). This series was well-known for the use of the 65C02 chip; which also turned up in the Nintendo Entertainment System.

The 400 and 800 were replaced during the summer of 1982 with the 1200XL, and then by early winter 1983, with the 600XL and 800XL. Unreleased prototypes on the drawing board that were planned during the sales of the XL range (1983-1985) included the 1200XLD, 1400XL (a replacement for the 1200XL), 1450XLD, 1600XL, 1650XLD and ultimately, the 1850XLD. The "D" in the model nomenclature indicates a floppy disk drive is included.

The 1850XLD was intended to be Atari's first entry into the 16-bit computer market, and Amiga had granted Atari access to the "Lorraine" prototype (Commodore would eventually win out; which meant Atari had to wait until the 1985 launch of the 520ST for its true entry into the 16-bit computer market).

The Atari 5200 was essentially a console-based version of the 400/800/XL series, without the keyboard.

"I am such a purist for old information on anything '70s and '80s."
    2790 Posts
    16 years, 1 month ago
    Ben, a word of advice? Shut up.

      PirateNinja6's Avatar
      2472 Posts
      16 years, 1 month ago
      I concur Kyle.

        Mezase_Master's Avatar
        7306 Posts
        16 years, 1 month ago
        I think all of Ben's posts are essays he wrote for his sped school.

        ~Hot Shot Scott
        Movin` on up!! To the East side Blah blah Blah Movin on up Gaints lol.
          The_Gamer27's Avatar
          894 Posts
          16 years, 1 month ago
          i fell like getting an atari comuputer
            PirateNinja6's Avatar
            2472 Posts
            16 years, 1 month ago
            i fell like getting an atari comuputer

            No. You(Or from your perspective 'I') feel like getting an Atari Computer.
              RetroBen81's Avatar
              713 Posts
              16 years, 1 month ago
              Should I be banned, then?
              "I am such a purist for old information on anything '70s and '80s."
                Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
                6031 Posts
                16 years, 1 month ago
                "Pitfall" is probably the most popular title for Atari 2600, man! 8)

                ~ Andrew doing his best "Sonic64" impression.
                I must enter a signature.
                  2790 Posts
                  16 years, 1 month ago
                  Should I be banned, then?

                  No. Instead of starting long ass threads, write a damn article.
                    1487 Posts
                    16 years, 1 month ago
                    Should I be banned, then?

                    No. Instead of starting long ass threads, write a damn article.

                    Waaaaaa call the wambulance! :roll: :lol:
                      1487 Posts
                      16 years, 1 month ago
                      Who remembers the Atari 400 and 800 computer video game systems and their successors, the 600XL and 800XL?

                      The 400 and 800, codenamed "Candy" and "Colleen" respectively (presumably, after two of the company's then-current secretaries), were announced in the early winter of 1979 and were officially released that fall. The 400 had a membrane-type keyboard and only one cartridge slot, while the more-expensive 800 had a proper typewriter-style keyboard and two cartridge slots (one for the BASIC cart and the other for video game carts). This series was well-known for the use of the 65C02 chip; which also turned up in the Nintendo Entertainment System.

                      The 400 and 800 were replaced during the summer of 1982 with the 1200XL, and then by early winter 1983, with the 600XL and 800XL. Unreleased prototypes on the drawing board that were planned during the sales of the XL range (1983-1985) included the 1200XLD, 1400XL (a replacement for the 1200XL), 1450XLD, 1600XL, 1650XLD and ultimately, the 1850XLD. The "D" in the model nomenclature indicates a floppy disk drive is included.

                      The 1850XLD was intended to be Atari's first entry into the 16-bit computer market, and Amiga had granted Atari access to the "Lorraine" prototype (Commodore would eventually win out; which meant Atari had to wait until the 1985 launch of the 520ST for its true entry into the 16-bit computer market).

                      The Atari 5200 was essentially a console-based version of the 400/800/XL series, without the keyboard.


                      This should have been an article not wasted on a thread post. I enjoyed the read and I had a 5200 before- it sucks... The controllers practicly shipped broken.. But This would have made a good article man! 8) Serious :wink:
                        Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
                        6031 Posts
                        16 years, 1 month ago
                        ^ Tell that to ParrotHead, with his ten paragraph diatrabe about obscure vidya game characters from a slightly obscure company. At least RetroBen's not like that.
                        I must enter a signature.
                          Lottech96's Avatar
                          1275 Posts
                          16 years, 1 month ago
                          OH now C'mon seriously! WTH?!? I can see it now He writes an article, and It gets a bad review. Is it worth it? Maybe it is. I just see no harm with this.

                          To reply to Ben, I had no real interest with the Atari computer systems except for XE . I also heard that the people who worked on the ACSs Tried to take over Bushnel's company and force him out of business. IINM.
                          Who Want's some BLOGna!!?
                          Did you know they'll make a game show out of..
                            Drakon's Avatar
                            3703 Posts
                            16 years, 1 month ago
                            atari? who's that?
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