I have 2 Sega Saturns on need of repair, but I have been unlucky when it came to finding the repair parts I think I may need:
Both systems turn on fine, the built in BIOS works fine (applies to both systems), The control ports seem to work, the cartridge slots (I think) work too, BUT:
On one system, the disc drive doesn't work at all. I try to get it to boot a game or a music CD, but the disc drive doesn't read or even spin the disc. I just get the message "Drive Empty"
On the other, the disc drive works, but TERRIBLY; Games don't play as they should (even though the discs are fine), the system takes seemingly FOREVER to boot when a disc is inserted, and once, the console didn't let me play the inserted game and only let me listen to the disc's CD playback!
Do any of you folks have knowledge on how I CAN get my Saturns repaired and where I CAN get repair parts?