cheesychalupa's Avatar
315 Posts
15 years, 11 months ago
I recently started Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Best Doom clone ever. Just got it for the N64, it's awesome. My first Turok game, anyone like the other ones?? I want to know if they are good or not.
    Wrestlingfan's Avatar
    340 Posts
    15 years, 11 months ago
    i like all of them except for the remake, that sucked a little.
      cheesychalupa's Avatar
      315 Posts
      15 years, 11 months ago
      THe one for the next gen systems?? Yeah, I heard it sucked.
        mackiain's Avatar
        205 Posts
        15 years, 11 months ago
        I can tell you the first one is one of the hardest games I have ever played, I have never beaten it without cheats the bosses are nuts.
        circa 1985.
          cheesychalupa's Avatar
          315 Posts
          15 years, 11 months ago
          Yeah I'm trying to play without, I got to the first boss and lost about 57 times.
            432 Posts
            15 years, 11 months ago
            I liked all the turok games minus the third one, the second is easily my favorite. The most recent one isn't really that bad if you rented it, although it was cake because you never needed any weapons just your knife to kill everything.
              kodakthe1andonly's Avatar
              15 years, 11 months ago
              The second one is the best. the turok wars sucks the third one OBLIVION something was alright, Turok evolution should be avoided like the plague and the new one was eh.
                mr-funky's Avatar
                1620 Posts
                15 years, 11 months ago
                Evolution and the one for the 360/PS3 sucked....
                  Jennings's Avatar
                  456 Posts
                  15 years, 11 months ago
                  The first Turok was such a great game for the early days if the N64. The music that plays when you go under water always takes me back to 8th grade.

                  Turok 2 is a massive game. I still play the level Lair of the Blind Ones every now and then cause it is just a fun level to explore.

                  I like Turok 3, they tried a few different things like different characters to play as and branching paths. It was no where near the monster Turok 2 was but still en enjoyable game.

                  I remember playing Rage Wars only once as a rental. Wasn't it basically just multiplayer death matches? Also what do people say it sucked so much, what is bad about it?
                    79987 Posts
                    15 years, 11 months ago
                    CEREBAL BORE!!!!

                    My friend actually bought me Turok 2 for my birthday back in 1999. That was the most expensive birthday present I ever got from anyone.

                    I liked the first stage of that game because of the music and the huge level but truthfully, back then when me and my mates would have Nintendo 64 parties, we'd play the multiplayer mode for about five minutes then go back to playing either Golden Eye or, later on, Perfect Dark. Turok 2 just wasn't as much fun as either of those games.
                      chrisno51's Avatar
                      1574 Posts
                      15 years, 11 months ago
                      I really liked the first Turok game on N64! I also have the Turok Evolution game on gamecube. I have Turok PC game which I have not tried out yet, has anyone else played that?

                      Yes the Turok games can be a fun play!
                        cheesychalupa's Avatar
                        315 Posts
                        15 years, 11 months ago
                        I'll get Turok 2 this weekend after hearing how great it is.

                        But one of you said Rage Wars was like a multiplayer deathmatch game... Isn't that like online Doom?? If so, awesome, because both Doom and Turok are the tits.
                          432 Posts
                          15 years, 11 months ago
                          I'll get Turok 2 this weekend after hearing how great it is.

                          But one of you said Rage Wars was like a multiplayer deathmatch game... Isn't that like online Doom?? If so, awesome, because both Doom and Turok are the tits.

                          Yeah, Rage wars was a deathmatch game, i thought it was cool, had a ton of skins and maps.
                            cheesychalupa's Avatar
                            315 Posts
                            15 years, 10 months ago
                            I might just get all the N64 Turok games their awesome.
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