sm2000's Avatar
441 Posts
18 years, 3 months ago
Yes folks, it's not a rumour...check out the news:

All I can say's about freaking time!!! Plus it's coming from Shout Factory, so you know it's going to be a nice set. Damn, lots of pennies I have to save in the next few months now... ;)

- Sean
My website: Zaranyzerak

Me on YouTube - DVD and Video Game reviews, Rants, Raves, and random bouts of creativity.
    79987 Posts
    18 years, 3 months ago
    Yes folks, it's not a rumour...check out the news:

    All I can say's about freaking time!!! Plus it's coming from Shout Factory, so you know it's going to be a nice set. Damn, lots of pennies I have to save in the next few months now... ;)

    - Sean

    You beat me do it, But I guess thats why your TV show guy. :wink:

    It also has the COMPLETE series. :D
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