6 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
Hi guys well this is my first post and I'm wondering is there anyone else out there that collects or used to have these toys. I'm talking about the Jurassic Park toyline, man these were the best some of my favorites were the Raptor that lunged it's mouth forward and the electronic T rex. Still have all of mine. How about you guys? By the way sorry if there was a topic like this I didn't notice anything but if so my bad.

Here's a brief list of some of the most loved ones I have.
Electronic T rex (also known as Red rex my first biggy and still rules)
Thrasher T rex the only T rex with movable legs a favorite!
Bull T rex the biggest dino of all man this guy could swallow other figures!
Raptor This is special to me it was my first one and the raptor was one of my favorites.
Triceratops it looks like the one in the movie and comes with wounds.
Robert Muldoon My first human comes with rocked launcher and backpack.
Trailer This is big and has tons of playability.
I have a lot more but these are special to me.

So what about you? Anything special from this toyline or perhaps you were more the Star wars or TV show figure collector type? Regardless did you have any Jurassic Park toys and which ones? :)
Look at me I'm Peter Pan... Hoo Hoo!
Ride the train
Climb the tree
Won't you climb my wishing tree!
That's ignorant
Michael Jackson:South Park
    the-micro-man's Avatar
    3492 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    I had the action figures for "The Lost World" movie.
      Daniel85's Avatar
      1699 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      I only collect Series 1 JP, not TLW or JP3 or any of the in-between lines.

      I have:

      MIB Electronic T-Rex
      MIB Triceratops
      MIB Jungle Explorer
      Stegosaurus (loose)
      Bush Devil Tracker (loose)

      All Dinos and Humans MOC and loose (5 Raptors and counting, :lol:).

      So I pretty much just need the Young T-Rex, Capture Copter, and Command Compound (fat chance on THAT one!)

      The most special JP figure to me is Robert Muldoon, cos he was rare and my mum searched everywhere to get him for me for Christmas '93.
        6 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        That's cool I only collected (more like bought in stores when they were out) the First and Second movie lines nothing in between or 3 for that matter. Though since I have them all my collecting ended a long time ago.
        Look at me I'm Peter Pan... Hoo Hoo!
        Ride the train
        Climb the tree
        Won't you climb my wishing tree!
        That's ignorant
        Michael Jackson:South Park
          Daniel85's Avatar
          1699 Posts
          18 years, 1 month ago
          That's cool I only collected (more like bought in stores when they were out) the First and Second movie lines nothing in between or 3 for that matter. Though since I have them all my collecting ended a long time ago.

          I didn't have the luxury of being able to keep all my childhood toys, so that's why I collect them now.

          It's Christmas all year round with eBay!
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