Cambion's Avatar
335 Posts
17 years, 11 months ago
I hope this is the right place to talk about this. If not, I apologize.

Anyway, has anyone here ever seen those huge Shadow the Hedgehog plushies? See below for what I'm talking about:

I've seen a bunch of people with these things - my friend's roomie has one and I'm so jealous. Occasionally I see them on eBay, but the bids get the prices jacked up so high that I can't afford it. Where do these things come from in the first place? One person told me they come from carnival games or prize arcades like Chuck E. there any truth to this?

If anyone has any advice on where to find these plushies, either from physical locations or online (besides eBay), please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it. Or, if anyone knows of anyone who wants to sell a big Shadow plushie, I'd be happy to hear a price.
    2 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    yea, they do come from arcade games and such. I saw allot of them at Busch Gardens. I remember dying to have one, and when i couldent win one, i cried.
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