HarryReems's Avatar
2067 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Alright ladies and gents, I'm sure someone has already posted something like this up here, but I honestly don't care.

So....Anyone remember their favorite 80's GI Joe stuff as a kid(or even now)? Vehicles, headquarters, whatever.

If you remember any awesome GI Joe loot you still have, used to have, or your spoiled friends had, list it & post it. I'll start off with my favorites:

-Snowcat: Pretty cool-looking snow vehicle.
-GI Joe headquarters(1st one): Totally huge base. I loved the jail cell and vehicle garage.
-Dragonfly: The first really butt-ruling helicopter.
-The Terrordrome: I never had it, but my cousin did. The best base PERIOD.
-The Killer Whale Hovercraft: My favorite Joe vehicle of all. Man, this thing was awesome. It was huge, had about 500 billion missiles, and just looked cool as crud.
-USS Flagg Aircraft Carrier: Never had this one either. I knew a girl who did, and it was pretty great. To a 7-8 year old kid, this thing seemed like it was 400 feet long.
    rocketsauce's Avatar
    199 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    The jets were my favorites. I had the Skystriker, Rattler (missiles!!!), and my personal favorite the Night Raven stealth fighter.

    Dude, I swear every neighborhood/school had 1 kid who owned the Aircraft Carrier and that kid was the envy of everybody. My jaw dropped the first time I saw it in person.
    >> ...
      248 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      I remember having a GI Joe base that sat out in the water (It kind of looked like an oil rig), don't know what it was called. I had a bunch of other stuff, the HISS, All those mail in toys like the Snowmobile and the windsurfer, The personel Carrier, the Rattler and a bunch more. The only things I still have are about a dozen guys (Sargent Slaughter, Barbecue, Lowlight...I forget who else..) The Green Jeep from the early 80s in excellent condition with driver, and some Cobra vehichle thats a big buzzsaw looking thing.

      I want through that phase in the late 80s where I destroyed everything I had with firecrackers and Pellet guns. I think it was part of my transition from being a kid to being a teenager.

      Sadly, I wish I still had it all....
      "You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do."
      - Ferris Bueller
        HarryReems's Avatar
        2067 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        yeah, a bunch of my Joes got floated down the river on a raft, and others got blown to bits when I discovered blackcat firecrackers fit perfectly in between their chest & crotch.

        It sucks, but mostly the no-name astro/toxo/whatver-o vipers got it. I kept most of my favorite guys, like Flint, Snake-eyes, and Roadblock.

        As for the Aircraft Carrier, yeah I only ever knew like 2 people who had that. That girl that had it had more Joes than any guy I knew. That thing sat in the middle of her bedroom floor, and it was awesomer than 100 dammits. We could have wars on that thing for hours.
          rocketsauce's Avatar
          199 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          The kid I knew who had the Carrier was rich, but I guess you had to be to get it. I think he had every GI Joe and Transformer toy there was. He even had multiples of the basic Cobra troops and Crimson Guard which was insane, but damn I was jealous.

          I destroyed my fair share of Joes too. I started blowing up those cheap green plastic army men and the Joes were the next natural step. :D
          >> ...
            kayvee's Avatar
            3672 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            I like the cobra glider (rare), trouble bubble, and Hiss. I had the H.A.V.O.C. when I was small. It was cool but I really preferred the Cobra stuff. Does anybody know about the Cobra Commander with mickey mouse emblem? I guess they call it that due to the cobra looking like it has a pair of mouse ears. they later changed it.
              menasor's Avatar
              661 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              my favorites were the Crimson MOBAT and the Terrordrome
              Katon Gokakyuu No Jutsu
                kayvee's Avatar
                3672 Posts
                17 years, 9 months ago
                Terrordrome just plain sounds cool.
                  HarryReems's Avatar
                  2067 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  Oh, the Terrordrome was totally rad.
                  To a kid, that thing looked even better than how it did on the cartoon. If I had it my way, I've live in the terrordrome right now.
                    kayvee's Avatar
                    3672 Posts
                    17 years, 9 months ago
                    plus it came with the firebat and that kick ass A.V.A.C. figure. that really is top notch joe stuff.
                      buckyohare's Avatar
                      113 Posts
                      17 years, 9 months ago
                      I never had one but I always wanted one of those big G.I Joes with like speech and such. I had a bunch of little G.I. Joe action figures with weapons and stuff.
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                        HarryReems's Avatar
                        2067 Posts
                        17 years, 9 months ago
                        I never had one but I always wanted one of those big G.I Joes with like speech and such. I had a bunch of little G.I. Joe action figures with weapons and stuff.

                        I had the big version of Snake-Eyes. It was cool for about 2 hours, but when I realized that none of my friends had any of the big joes, I didn't know what I was gonna do with that big bastard.
                          felix's Avatar
                          61 Posts
                          17 years, 9 months ago
                          I was one of the very few in my group of Joe addicts that had the aircraft carrier. Since it was so big, it was down in our basement (it had spent a short time in my ROOM! It took up way too much space and there was a no-fly zone upstairs :mad: ). My friend Todd came over one day and not really caring much about this amazing toy, he applied one of those stickers ya rub a pencil over and peel it off right on the landing strip!!! Luckily, my mom was able to get the sticker off and was cool enuff to re-paint the black and white strip that got ruined. Btw, Im still friends with Todd :D Oh and my friend that lives in Shanghai still to this day is begging me to sell the carrier to him!
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