4 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
yer i know this is prob in the wrong section but i thought it would get more views here.

anyway i was wondering if anyone had any of these episodes on their pc's


they are all halloween specials and was wondering if anyone had them or new where to find them online?
    31 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    I'm sure able to get you these ones:
    -The Real Ghostbusters - When Halloween Was Forever
    -The Real Ghostbusters - Halloween II 1/2
    -The Real Ghostbusters - The Halloween Door
    -Cow and Chicken - Halloween with the Dead Coast-to-Coast

    not too sure about these, would have to look, but probably yes:
    -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Super Irma
    -King of Queens - Ticker Treat

    so.. what do you have to trade?
    do you have the remaining episodes of these series on dvd? i guess no, right. but since i am looking for these series in a long time, i just thought I'll ask:
    -pinky and the brain
    -men in black

    I want to let you know, right at the beginning, that if you don't have any series (complete, good quality and menu) that I want, I won't trade with you. since it doesn't seem to be profitable for me.

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