79987 Posts
18 years, 4 months ago
I am kinda surprised that this show isn't listed yet on retrojunk. It's a tv show from the 80's where Jesse Collins plays the role of Hank Katts, a police officer from the K9 team, with his dog Rin Tin Tin ("Rinty").

I'm afraid I don't have any more info on it, so actually this is a request for anyone out there that has Katts & Dog material to post it on Retrojunk :-)
    sm2000's Avatar
    441 Posts
    18 years, 4 months ago
    My girlfriend at the time insisted that this was called "Katts and Dogs." I tried to explain to her that it was "Katts and DOG," and that the title was a play on words, but she was just too dense to grasp the concept...

    She also thought movies in theaters were played off a VHS VCR. She had no concept of FILM, outside of snapshot cameras...

    Needless to say, we didn't date for very long. :)

    - Sean
    My website: Zaranyzerak

    Me on YouTube - DVD and Video Game reviews, Rants, Raves, and random bouts of creativity.
      79987 Posts
      18 years, 4 months ago
      That's a funny anekdote, at least you can still get a good laugh (or at least a smile) from it :-)
        2 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        For everyone who posted on this website who said they wanted the 1988-1993 Family Television Series Katts and Dog aka Rin-Tin-Tin K-9 Cop on video or DVD. Visit the websites listed at the bottom of the page. The company is doing a petition to bring the show out. Register and select the show and any others you want. Each register is a vote to have the show produce on video or DVD. Also pass the word on. Give it on other website message boards. That way it will raise support and bring out the show both you and I greatly remember and enjoy on video or DVD.
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