Speaking of Bat Man Commercials, Do you remember that 1997 Ego Waffles Commercial that was Promoting the Bat Man Movie that came out in the Summer of that Year? it was the Movie that had Mr. Freeze in it.
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Speaking of Bat Man Commercials, Do you remember that 1997 Ego Waffles Commercial that was Promoting the Bat Man Movie that came out in the Summer of that Year? it was the Movie that had Mr. Freeze in it.
All (most of anyways) Kellogs products had some sort of tie in to Batman and Robin that year
" The last man nearly ruined this place/He didn't know what to do with it/If you think this countrys bad off now just what till I get through with it":D
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All (most of anyways) Kellogs products had some sort of tie in to Batman and Robin that year