DreamDancer's Avatar
73 Posts
18 years, 3 months ago
I've been looking practically everywhere for some of these commercials, including YouTube, and they don't have them yet.

First of all, most of my requests are going to be geared towards girls stuff because, let's face it, I AM a girl, and I happen to be one of those girls who actually LIKES the girly stuff (there are a few of us out in the world, some just don't come out and say it).

Okay, here are my requests:

Tomy's Lights Alive, which is pretty much a Lite Brite-esque toy. I used to have this on a tape, but the tape Bit the Dust due to repeated watchings.

Gremlins cereal and Gremlins plush Gizmo. They were on the same tape with Lights Alive.

Strawberry Shortcake Blow Kiss Baby Needs a Name Doll. My sister says it was on said Bit the Dust Tape, but I don't remember it, and I kind of want to see this sucker because she's got me curious.

Barbie commercials from 1983 and 1984: Lovin' You Barbie, Tracy and Todd's wedding (I think those were the dolls), and this Barbie furniture set. All I remember from that one is that she had a chair tha turned into a love seat and a sofa that turned into a bed.

Hardee's commercial that featured plush characters from "Mickey's Christmas Carol" (this one is mostly for my sister).

There's this PSA that I can't begin to explain what it was. I know it was 80's inspired, kinda like Flashdance I guess. I'm not entirely too sure. All I remember from it is stomping cigarettes and something was multi-colored. And it's not the "Right to Say No" PSA that was mentioned in another post.

Promos from the Washington, DC area in 1984! I have promos from the area on my own tapes, but none are from '84. I'm mainly looking for promos from an old show that used to air in the DC area called Count Gore DeVol. We (being me and my sis) had part of this Dracula commercial on this Bit the Dust tape of ours, between two Strawberry Shortcake cartoons on the tape. She found out that Count Gore DeVol was on the same channel the SSC cartoons were on, but we're not sure if it was a promo or not, since the SSC cartons on the tape aired the week of October 22, 1984.

Get Along Gang toy commercials. I saw one on YouTube, but that was about it. I'm mainly looking for a commercial for the Clubhouse Caboose, because (yep you guessed it!) it was on the same Bit the Dust Tape.

Coco Krispies commercials from 1984, if possible.

I think there are some more, but I can't think of them right now.
    darrin_h2000's Avatar
    44 Posts
    18 years, 3 months ago

    I think I can help you out with one of those...it just so happens that Heather O'Rourke was that little girl in that commercial.
      DreamDancer's Avatar
      73 Posts
      18 years, 3 months ago
      Thanks, but that wasn't the commercial. The commercial wasn't for Shortcake herself, it was for a character called Baby Needs a Name.
        pikachulover's Avatar
        2944 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        Is this the Strawberry shortcake one

          DreamDancer's Avatar
          73 Posts
          18 years, 2 months ago
          Sorry, pikachulover. That wasn't it, either.

          EDIT: Here's a link to a picture of the doll in question. In all honesty, I don't remember the commercial at all. It's my sister who does, and now I'm starting to question her memory on this.

          In any case, I'm posting the link because it isn't my picture. You have to scroll down, and you're looking for Baby Needs a Name:


          Seriously, guys, I'm sorry about all this!
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