79987 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
I was wondering if any one remembers those old 1980's Levi's Commercials
that they use to play durning Saturday morning cartoons where there was this kid that used to do all of these tricks with the jeans, I remember that the background of the commercial was either white or gray. But this kid used to "transform" into all different types of things, it was classic! If anyone remembers or has a video of those commericals and can post them on this site, that would be great!!! Kev
    Lottech96's Avatar
    1275 Posts
    18 years, 2 months ago
    Hey welcome to the boards not to nitpick but before this gets locked I think this should go in either Chit Chat or Memory Lane anyway I had A simular question to this and here's the link:

    Oh BTW be sure to Introduce yourself in the "Say Hello " thread!!
    Who Want's some BLOGna!!?
    Did you know they'll make a game show out of..
      adventure_of_link's Avatar
      18 years, 2 months ago
      Actually this goes in with requests
        emax4's Avatar
        164 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        I remember those. I forget the transformations but they had wacky music and sound effects to go with the variations. Then the Levis logo would usually close together. Wow, I haven't thought of those in a long time.
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