79987 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
There was a commercial that aired in 2000 that had the donkey and the elephant in it as the canidates running for president that year. Does anyone (a)remember this commerical or (b) have a copy of it. It was the funniest commercial I have seen in years, and my husband thinks I am nuts because he never saw it. I have contacted Snickers directly and they told me they can't release it again, and I can't find it any where else. HELP !!!! I need to see this commercial again. I am not crazy!!!
    SuperMarioBro-1989's Avatar
    18 years, 1 month ago
    try youtube... and yes i have seen it!! it was a great commerical!! actually i was thinkin of it the other day... hmmm... ill go search!! :D
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