kayvee's Avatar
3672 Posts
18 years ago
I'd like to request forums dedicated to specific decades. This may cut down on bickering between users. Then everyone can have a place to talk comfortably with people that share the same interests. Personally I don’t really have any qualms with the site; I've just noticed a few things.
    Caps_2-0's Avatar
    2745 Posts
    18 years ago
    I think that this might be a good idea as well. I've seen a few threads on the concept of "what's retro" that have gotten rather heated. If we were to split things up into separate forums, I think that we could cut down on a lot of the stress.
      Roadgeek's Avatar
      1016 Posts
      18 years ago
      That's weird, I was thinking the same thing awhile ago. :shock:
      Roadgeek: Proud Little Kid of the Mid '90s

      In Memory of Carolina Circle Mall
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