agbrown83's Avatar
18 Posts
18 years ago
:?: Does anyone remember these two CEC (Chuck E. Cheese's) commercials from around early 1994? One was when they were discussing the differences between CEC and seafood restaurants. One scene showed kids playing at CEC and then it cuts to a boy sitting at a seafood restaurant looking disappointed and the voice over announcer says that CEC has pizza and then says that at the seafood restaurant that they have and the boy sitting says "Crabs" in disgust and a crab on a plate appears in front of him. Then the announcer says that at CEC they have games and then says that at seafood restaurants they have the boy says "Crabs" in the same disgusted voice and then the crab on the plate squirts a lemon slice at the boy's face and the boy wipes it off. At the end the announcer says that CEC has a place to play and then says that seafood restaurants have "CRABS!" the boy yells which cuts to him in the kitchen of the seafood restaurant and then giant crab, which is a person in a crab suit, comes through the door of the kitchen to terrify the boy accompanied with horror movie music and then the boy yells "I SHOULD HAVE SAID CHUCK E CHEESE PLEASE!" Then Chuck E Cheese the mouse appears with a fishing net and throws it on the giant crab and the boy yells "YES"! and gives Chuck E Cheese a high five.

The second one, one of my favorite ones, the voice over announcer guy also discusses the difference between CEC and sit in restaurants. He says that CEC you can play games and at other restaurants you have to "Wait and Wait and Wait" and it has a boy sitting at a table in the restaruant looking bored while he is waiting for his food. Then the announcer says that it has quick food service and that at other restaurants you have to "Wait and Wait and Wait and Wait" and the voice gets slowed down and shows the boy at the table aging and growing a beard. And then, the announcer says that at CEC you can play at the playplace and that at other restaurants you have to "Wait and Wait and Wait and Wait and Wait" as the voice gets even slower and it shows the boy turning into an old man and cobwebs form around him and then he says "I should have said Chuck E Cheese please" and the commercial ends with the boy as an old man dropping dead and the light above him goes out.

Could anyone please retrieve or upload these commercials? Please let me know. :?:
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