4 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
i dont remember the title but lets see if this makes sense.

the movie starts as the boy is playing baseball the mother picks him up with the brother and takes him back home, brother makes fun of the dog and once they get home the dog runs off..the kid chases after the dog and once catches the dog returns home to find out that he no longer lives at that house..

i thought the movies was called parallel universe or something but any help is appreciated!
drifting,painting,film,and some other boring stuff
    acolyte28's Avatar
    30 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    I think you're thinking of Flight of the Navigator.

    It starts out with the boy playing frisbee with his dog at a dog show. Later at his house he goes out to find his dog then he sees something, falls into a ditch, and wakes up years later to find out that he was missing for a few years. He was actually picked up by an alien with a cool-looking ship and went to it's homeworld and came back, while 8 years went by on Earth.

      4 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      thank you! i havent seen this movie in years and was trying to remember it..

      thanks again..
      drifting,painting,film,and some other boring stuff
        JohnTitor's Avatar
        121 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Oh wow, I just got done watching that movie! I think it's really good. One of my top ten movies from my childhood!
        JohnTitor's Signature Image
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