1 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
Hello everyone. For years, I have been on the hunt for a specific Double Dare commercial. I just found this site, so I'm hoping someone here can help. Back when I was a youngin' I actually got picked to be in a commercial for Double Dare. I was mixed in with about 50 or so other kids and I was only on screen for about five seconds or so.

Here is a full description to help you in the chance you have this commercial:

The commercial's theme is "kids around the world love Double Dare". If I remember correctly, the voiceover does say this at the start. The commercial cuts to different 'countries', where there are groups of children saying "I love Double Dare" in different languages. One of the first countries (I think) to be displayed is France, which is the group I was in. All kids in the commercial have Double Dare shirts on (mine was red and I STILL have it).

I had this commercial on VHS and not too long thereafter lost it. It may have been recorded over or just misplaced but for over 15 years I have been seeking this commercial.

If anyone here can help me, please reply or e-mail me via here. Thanks to anyone who can help!
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