RetroBen81's Avatar
713 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gang,

If any of you have anymore old 1982-88 USA Cartoon Express interstitial bumpers, as well as the Saturday version of the opening and interstitial bumpers (called appropriately enough, the "USA Saturday Cartoon Express"), please submit them to the 1980s section of the Commercials page under "Bumper/Station IDs."

I've since seen the 1982-88 Cartoon Express opening bumper (used for Sunday-Friday airings) (I duly thank whoever uploaded that), which, as said by some other RJ members, might actually be a 1986 revision due to the presence of Yogi & Boo-Boo Bear, but now I would like to see the rest.

Thank you,

"I am such a purist for old information on anything '70s and '80s."
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