18 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
I'd like to request an old serial opening-- the '81 "Another World" "block-letters" opening (full version). That is the one, of course, with the tunnel of neon-lit interlocking rings, silhouettes, title, the works. I've seen it from YouTube, but only in the edited 1987 variety. If anyone has old tapes of "AW", I'd like to see that opening again.
    18 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    I'd like to request an old serial opening-- the '81 "Another World" "block-letters" opening (full version). That is the one, of course, with the tunnel of neon-lit interlocking rings, silhouettes, title, the works. I've seen it from YouTube, but only in the edited 1987 variety. If anyone has old tapes of "AW", I'd like to see that opening again.
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