17 years, 5 months ago
It was probably aired about 10 years ago or so (1998 or 1999?) I can't remember what it was selling, but the beginning of it showed this lady walking through an airport? and she makes a call on her cell phone saying something like "I'll be home right away my precious sweetykins" (something along those lines), and the next scene shows a huge Green Iguana flicking its tongue at a button on a home phone, hanging up/or answering the phone. Does anyone remember this commercial? Or what it was selling? It seems like something that would be on this site, but I can't find it.
    17 years, 5 months ago
    I remember this commercial. I used to always mix it up with one of those GEICO commercials.

    I think that it was an ad for the Sony Ericsson's cell phone.
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