1 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
Hi all,

I'm looking for a commercial from the early to mid 90's. All I remeber is one particular scene that shows a man (sitting at Stonehenge I think) and he takes a piece of wire and points it at a stone and has a surge of electricity run up his arm. I think a woman is narrating the commercial.

I have no idea why, but this scene popped in my head today and it's buggin the crap out of me because I can't even remember what it's about. If any of you know what this is PLEASE let me know.

Thanks in advance!
    Lottech96's Avatar
    1275 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Mysteries of the Unknown. A Time-Life Book series that talks about aliens, unsolved mysteries. and other Mumbo Jumbo. I think one of them also had people having Mysterious sharp pains in their arm or something. I have them all the time (sometimes)
    Who Want's some BLOGna!!?
    Did you know they'll make a game show out of..
      Pinwheel's Avatar
      532 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      I remember this commercial and my dad actually bought the series of books. I think we still have them around somewhere. The ad was actually kinda creepy...and when I used to sit there and read the books, esp when I was alone in silence, a chill would go down my spine!
      "It lies in the valley of the vision, where the slain are not slain with the sword. In the darkest shadows of light, there you'll find a door..."
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