Does anyone remember an early 80's commercial from Wonder Bread, featuring their new "Wonder-Light" line? The slogan? "You think you're cheating when you're eating... Wonder-light"? How about a KFC late 70's/early 80's commercial that featured their new chicken sandwich in which the theme was "What-A-Lunch" set to the music from "The Lone Ranger"? Also how about a late 80's/early 90's McDonald's ad featuring African-American Cheerleaders? Or a Tas-T-Freeze ad from the mid-to-late 70's featuring a "super-hero'looking" character that called himself "Big-T", and depicted little kids enjoying the fare from this restaurant? or the little girl from the SAME company enjoying the chicken, hot dog, and burger while a different character (chicken, dog and bear respectively) sang about these products? :(