3 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
Hi, anyone got some of these episodes of the cartoon Michel Vaillant? It's a great animation, really!
01.Valiant vs. Valiant
02.Highway private
04.Terror in Tahoe
05.Driver of steel
07.Lakeside rally
08.The spy
09.The Venice carnival
10.Panic on the Pan-American
11.Race to the future
12.The rally
All good things come to an end!
    3 Posts
    17 years, 1 month ago
    Please, it's so rare. I can't find it anywhere on the net. I would be so greatful for just one episode. It's for one special person. These are the American episodes, available only on VHS, and the French ones - yet I haven't found any of the 65 ep.
    I hope somebody has a VHSRip.
    All good things come to an end!
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