79987 Posts
18 years, 4 months ago
Anyone remember this?

They use to show this movie on Disney, and it was the story of a worker transporting crown jewels in a hat box. While on the plane they get mixed up and she, and a new found friend detective ( Columbo I think???)who is transporting two children (American boy and french girl) team up to find them. Then it starts getting tricky, and people end up dead. Has a happy ending of course, come on it's disney...

Anyone know where I could find this to buy, or even the title to look it up and download??
Does anyone else even remember this movie??

    Edgold707's Avatar
    517 Posts
    18 years, 4 months ago
    The movie is "Bejewelled" but it doesn't have anything to do with Columbo.
    Edgold707's Signature Image
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