Thanks. Every time I've heard that song, it was almost always at the tail end, and I never heard the title to it. Very rarely did I hear the first half if it.
Official Member of the B&G Custom Comic Disaster Squad.
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Thanks. Every time I've heard that song, it was almost always at the tail end, and I never heard the title to it. Very rarely did I hear the first half if it.
That song always irritated me but I have nothing against Fastball. They conributed a good version of "The Real Me" to a Who tribute cd that was out a few years back.
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That song always irritated me but I have nothing against Fastball. They conributed a good version of "The Real Me" to a Who tribute cd that was out a few years back.
Quote O' Matic
Mother Nature:"You are accused of 273 counts of trying to upstage Santa in an act that is both willful and malicious!"
Jack Frost:"Did you just accuse me of being skillful and delicious?"