581 Posts
18 years, 3 months ago
not sure if this is mentioned jsut but on 11 am eastren time g4 shows somthing called action blast it shows some kind of pro westling for kids where they dress up as monsters called kijeu(sp?) big battle and cartoons the second cartoon is jsut transformers cybertron but the first cartoon they show is the one and only gi joe what i find wonderful is when they go to a short comercal break and come back they use the old gi joe bumpers its somthing jsut to see good ole classic joe.


Hush little King; please don't cry
We're going to sing you a lullaby
A big scary monster man is coming for you
He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew.
    tonewinwy's Avatar
    983 Posts
    18 years, 3 months ago
    Is it on at 11am as well? I've been watching it at 8am eastern. Maybe it's on at both times,or they've changed it to 11.
    It's OK, next time I'll make you listen. I wish that it were in the power of all children to say that to their parents and to know that indeed they would be heard as we were in those wonderful days on Waltons Mountain.Narrator The Waltons (From the Runawa
      581 Posts
      18 years, 3 months ago
      here it comes on at 11 not sure if its locally messed up like it is set up to pacific time 11 am here 8 am there at least thats how it is for me in pa


      Hush little King; please don't cry
      We're going to sing you a lullaby
      A big scary monster man is coming for you
      He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew.
        79987 Posts
        18 years, 3 months ago
        I'm still mad they never released the last fifteen episodes of the Sunbow ones on DVD. :(

        Hey Max, Do they include the DIC ones as well?
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