i was jsut thinking of a educational toy i had when i was young it was this black electronic pen like thing and you had books you used it on when you were right the light on the pen would be green when you were wrong the light turned red and it buzzed.
Hush little King; please don't cry We're going to sing you a lullaby A big scary monster man is coming for you He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew. Mmmwah! Goodnight!
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i was jsut thinking of a educational toy i had when i was young it was this black electronic pen like thing and you had books you used it on when you were right the light on the pen would be green when you were wrong the light turned red and it buzzed.
Oh yeah, I had a Mickey one. I just remembered that we tried to use it on other things... Tables, toys, etc. to see what colored it turned. The best part was when we put it on my father and it turned red! :lol: It would also "flash" red AND green on certain objects. I don't even remember the book, just the random stuff we did with the pen.
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Oh yeah, I had a Mickey one. I just remembered that we tried to use it on other things... Tables, toys, etc. to see what colored it turned. The best part was when we put it on my father and it turned red! :lol: It would also "flash" red AND green on certain objects. I don't even remember the book, just the random stuff we did with the pen.
same here i always wondered what in the paper of the book made it be ether the green light or the red light
Hush little King; please don't cry We're going to sing you a lullaby A big scary monster man is coming for you He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew. Mmmwah! Goodnight!
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same here i always wondered what in the paper of the book made it be ether the green light or the red light
Hush little King; please don't cry We're going to sing you a lullaby A big scary monster man is coming for you He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew. Mmmwah! Goodnight!