Yep, I'm sitting here laughing about those things. I remember the arms and legs would just sway all over the place. Hasbro made them all most like action figures, and they kinda reminded me of gi joe.
"I didn't ask for a's 2 dollars!"
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Yep, I'm sitting here laughing about those things. I remember the arms and legs would just sway all over the place. Hasbro made them all most like action figures, and they kinda reminded me of gi joe.
didnt they make a line fo these things to go with the wmac masters tv show
Hush little King; please don't cry We're going to sing you a lullaby A big scary monster man is coming for you He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew. Mmmwah! Goodnight!
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didnt they make a line fo these things to go with the wmac masters tv show
i remmeber that toruniment i remember jerry the king lawler cheated by tapeing his guys foot down
Hush little King; please don't cry We're going to sing you a lullaby A big scary monster man is coming for you He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew. Mmmwah! Goodnight!
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i remmeber that toruniment i remember jerry the king lawler cheated by tapeing his guys foot down
Quote O' Matic
Billy:"If these things get out...
Murray Futterman: We'll stop them. We can't give up now. Washington did not give up. Lincoln did not give up.
Kate: Please.
Billy: What?
Kate: Don't mention Lincoln."