15 Posts
18 years, 3 months ago
Does anyone remember some of the old commercials they had on Nickelodeon? Like the ones with the drip... drip... drip and other sounds that sort of made a beat/song? And I think there were a bunch with hands with faces or something. Or one with like these cabinets/cupboards in the wall the were opening. I don't know. :-P
    79987 Posts
    18 years, 3 months ago
    I remember something (it was actually more of a cartoon short than a commercial) A guy is sitting at a table and he is about to eat an egg. When he cracks it with the spoon he hears a voice inside the egg saying "Stop that! What are you doing?" Then the guy goes completely evil and smashes the egg killing whoever is inside. Then a few seconds later a huge crack appears in his ceiling and someone starts smashing in his house.
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