79987 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
I started collecting comics when they were 25 cents. Now they are $2.99-$3.99 each (GULP) and I buy them at specialty stores...when I was a kid, my mom would give me 10 bucks and I could buy 20-30 books with that at the corner drug store and/or B. Dalton book store at the shopping mall...I was in kid heaven....inflation sux!
    Daniel85's Avatar
    1699 Posts
    18 years, 2 months ago
    I used to buy some comics from the newstand, but I also got a lot of older comics from second-hand book stores and thrift stores. Obviously, this was when people still saw comics as disposable, before they decided that anything with 32 pages was instantly worth a million dollars.

    Now I get all of my back issues from eBay, and new comics from my local comics store (Comics 'R' Us :lol:)
      blackcat_0_1's Avatar
      170 Posts
      18 years, 2 months ago
      The 7-11 that used to be by me had a whole one side of an aisle dedicated to comics (the other being magazines, sports papers, newspapers and the like)

      I used to get all the old Spiderman comics, I still have most of them.
        santuel's Avatar
        483 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        I got all my Moon Knight comics from a nearby gas station. Good stuff, all the kids in my neighborhood loved to read them.
          1984megadeath's Avatar
          184 Posts
          18 years, 2 months ago
          I started collecting comics when they were 25 cents. Now they are $2.99-$3.99 each (GULP) and I buy them at specialty stores...when I was a kid, my mom would give me 10 bucks and I could buy 20-30 books with that at the corner drug store and/or B. Dalton book store at the shopping mall...I was in kid heaven....inflation sux!

          1st off, awesome. thats back when the price was right and the stories/art we sweet.
          2nd off, prior to the early 1990s meltdown of talent and books, i too bought mine at the corner drugstore/grocery store.
          now, i dont buy them at all. only as a TPB, or graphic novel for those uninformed. why? well, i have no need to buy them in any other form and in the long run, it saves me money as there is no longer a need to save them. so, unless we have another war , where we need to conserve or what ever...and comics AGAIN become a issue of being rare...well...
          "Visitors from the past shall return from whence they came."
            1984megadeath's Avatar
            184 Posts
            18 years, 2 months ago
            The 7-11 that used to be by me had a whole one side of an aisle dedicated to comics (the other being magazines, sports papers, newspapers and the like)

            I used to get all the old Spiderman comics, I still have most of them.

            again, awesome.. i miss the old 7-11s. genreally sucks eggs that they dont have them hardly anywhere. i always could find them there to... forgot about good old 7-11.
            "Visitors from the past shall return from whence they came."
              91 Posts
              18 years, 2 months ago
              I used to get mine at the corner drugstore
              "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee"--Jules from Pulp Fiction b*k*a Ezekeiel 25:17

                91 Posts
                18 years, 2 months ago
                The 7-11 that used to be by me had a whole one side of an aisle dedicated to comics (the other being magazines, sports papers, newspapers and the like)

                I used to get all the old Spiderman comics, I still have most of them.

                again, awesome.. i miss the old 7-11s. genreally sucks eggs that they dont have them hardly anywhere. i always could find them there to... forgot about good old 7-11.

                I was in Orlando a couple of months ago and 7-11's were everywhere dwon there.
                "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee"--Jules from Pulp Fiction b*k*a Ezekeiel 25:17

                  Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
                  801 Posts
                  18 years, 2 months ago
                  Wal mart, kmart and target used to have them where I live back in the 90's. Now, in the 2000's, there aren't any new comics in these stores save for a few collected sets of comic in book form at target. Now the only way I could get any new issues in my area would have to be at the specialty stores.
                  (Hordak Alpha))

                    79987 Posts
                    18 years, 2 months ago
                    I am constantly amazed...blown away how many comics and TPBs are being published now and how anybody but a very very rich person can keep up with all of them...this civil war thing with is one of the most complicated crossovers ever....i am convinced that 80% of the comics out there are not for kids could they be? Kids can't afford them...the thing that kills me is that when I was a kid the comics were 25-50 cents and took me 10-20 min. to many comics cost $3-$4 and take about 3 min. to read....i could go on 4ever about this stuff...
                      Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
                      801 Posts
                      18 years, 2 months ago
                      The comics companies have realized that all the kids have their noses so far up the asses of power rangers, yu-gi-oh, pokemon, naruto and other anime imports that DC, Marvel and every company now gears all of their comics towards the old school adult fans. Look at the way super heroines dress now. Those aren't meant for the kiddies. I don't mind how super heroines dress and encourage them to dress as scantily as possible. *drools*
                      (Hordak Alpha))

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