374 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
many a times ive argued w/ people about the best cartoon themes, i dont know why....boredom i bored alot...but based on the arguements, ive devised my own top 10 cartoon theme songs....what is yours?

10. Silverhawks
9. Talespin
8. Dbz (rock the dragon)
7. Jayce and wheeled warriors
6. Sonic am
5. MiB
4. Extreme Ghostbusters
3. David the Gnome
2. Swat kats (season 2)
1. King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Dude, chicks are like voltron, the more you hook up the better it gets-Tucker (red vs blue)
    102 Posts
    18 years, 2 months ago
    Here's mine.
    10. The Flintstones
    9. Family Guy
    8. Spider-Man (60s version)
    7. The Simpsons
    6. The Jetsons
    5. Alvin and the Chipmunks
    4. Pinball Number Count
    3. Dragon Ball Z
    2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (original version)
    1. Pokemon (first theme)
    Like Wheel of Fortune? Check out my Wheel board at; Registration is free, so sign up today!
      2623 Posts
      18 years, 2 months ago
      10. freakaziod
      9. animaniacs
      8. teenage mutant ninja turtles (original cartoon)
      7. snorks
      6. young robin hood
      5. alvin and the chipmunks
      4. talespin
      3. captain plant
      2. gummi bears
      1. rescue rangers
        79987 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        Ho Ho! well, It's gottat be:
        10)Transylvanian Pet Shop
        9)The Simpsons
        8)Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
        7)Pokemon (First one)
        5)Power Rangers
        3)Scooby Doo
        2)Samurai Pizza Cats
          79987 Posts
          18 years, 2 months ago
          many a times ive argued w/ people about the best cartoon themes, i dont know why....boredom i bored alot...but based on the arguements, ive devised my own top 10 cartoon theme songs....what is yours?

          10. Silverhawks
          9. Talespin
          8. Dbz (rock the dragon)
          7. Jayce and wheeled warriors
          6. Sonic am
          5. MiB
          4. Extreme Ghostbusters
          3. David the Gnome
          2. Swat kats (season 2)
          1. King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

          Welcome back man, I hope your doing alright. 8)
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