never stood in a corner, but had to write huge essay's in school for various punishments, usually on the most boring, hard to find information topics... this was usually the punishment for not bringing gym clothes for PE class. The other punishment that was handed out by our PE teacher, Mr Fitzgerald, was to put our noses on the bleachers... you would sit on your knees, hands behind your back with your nose pressed up against the wooden bleachers(the bleachers were folded flat against the wall)... sometimes for the entire half hour gym class time. This punishment took on a whole new life when we had class at the playground outside.... then we either got a spot for our nose on the huge oak tree in the center of the playground, or we got to grab a metal fence post. I can only imagine what passers by thought when they see 30 elementry kids on their knees, hands crossed behind their back with their noses pressed against a fence post looking like they're awaiting their execution. Oh... he also liked to make you sit with your head in your lap... have you sit cross legged (indian style for you 80's babies) and put your head to your legs.... and sit for a half hour. This dude was mean....