327 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
These are two cartoons I remember seeing in school. One was a movie my junior Kindergarten teacher showed us (in 1983 or 1984). In it, as I remember it, there were a boy mouse and a girl mouse making music. This vulture or similar bird came along and he was like an impressario. He took the girl mouse away with him to become a star singer. She eventually wanted to go back, but the vulture wouldn't let her. She escaped and the bird, becoming monstrous in appearance, pursued her. She found her way back to her boyfriend and I guess they escaped together.

The other cartoon was with this man (in what was I think a circa 1900 setting), who had a magic hat that flew through the air and did everything he wanted it to. I remember one scene where the hat collected water and put out a fire. I also remember that another man filled the man's hat with money in gratitude. Another thing I remember (but this may be wrong) is that the man who had the hat had a wheel instead of one foot. Maybe I remember this wrong - at the time I had found out about the existence of things like peg legs, so I might have mixed something up.

Any clue what these two cartoons were?
    987 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    there were a boy mouse and a girl mouse making music. This vulture or similar bird came along and he was like an impressario. He took the girl mouse away with him to become a star singer. She eventually wanted to go back, but the vulture wouldn't let her. She escaped and the bird, becoming monstrous in appearance, pursued her. She found her way back to her boyfriend and I guess they escaped together.

    The Devil and Daniel Mouse 78

    A young lady mouse in a struggling folk music duo decides to make a deal with a shady agent B.L. Zebubb. He promises to take her to the top,...for a price.(this cartoon special could be said to be the inspiration for the later movie,Rock and Rule)

    A young female musican/singer enters a Faustian deal to achieve success and the power of music/love saves her soul.

    Scene from
    The Devil and Daniel Mouse

    Rock and Rule
      327 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      There you go! Thanks for posting that. I had completely forgotten that scene (and much more). That devil sure was a freaky one.
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