79987 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
I have been beating my brain over trying to remember this one. All I remember is that the movie started out with a kid asleep in his bed. At a certain time, a cuckoo clock went off. The bird came out of the clock and started a steel ball along an elaborate maze. As the ball passed through the maze, it would knock over things. Eventually the ball went through the mouth of some sort of toy monster and fell. On the way to the ground it would hit a bell and the kid woke up. My friends think I'm out of my mind, but I vaguely remember this. Anybody have a clue about this one?
    JP's Avatar
    1826 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    I can't think of anything offhand Was it a cartoon or a live action show?
    What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
      79987 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      Wouldn't it be something starring Pee-wee Herman?
        735 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        Wouldn't it be something starring Pee-wee Herman?

        i own all of Paul Reubens's junk as pee-wee and i don't remember a scene like that. maybe his first movie...but the ball didnt hit a bell, it hit a machine that made a glass or oj, toast and eggs.
          2623 Posts
          18 years, 1 month ago
          it couldn't be this could it?

            79987 Posts
            18 years, 1 month ago
            Wouldn't it be something starring Pee-wee Herman?

            i own all of Paul Reubens's junk as pee-wee and i don't remember a scene like that. maybe his first movie...but the ball didnt hit a bell, it hit a machine that made a glass or oj, toast and eggs.

            Do you really own all that? :mrgreen:
              2623 Posts
              18 years, 1 month ago
              abe lincoln made the eggs a dinosaurs mouth made the oj.
                735 Posts
                18 years, 1 month ago
                it couldn't be this could it?

                OH SHIT! THAT GAVE ME GOOSE BUMPS! i remember that. holy god. thanx fot the find. wow!

                Do you really own all that? :mrgreen:

                yeah, my g/f ingrid gave me all of his junk for x-mas last year. even his showtime and tv specials[/img]
                  kayvee's Avatar
                  3672 Posts
                  18 years, 1 month ago
                  old school! reminds me of staying at my grandmas and watching channel 9. :)
                    581 Posts
                    18 years, 1 month ago
                    what movie had the seseme street pinball count in it


                    Hush little King; please don't cry
                    We're going to sing you a lullaby
                    A big scary monster man is coming for you
                    He'll gobble you up like chunky beef stew.
                      secretvixen's Avatar
                      279 Posts
                      18 years, 1 month ago
                      it couldn't be this could it?

                      wasnt that from Sesame Street? i remember that! heh :lol:
                        2623 Posts
                        18 years, 1 month ago
                        it couldn't be this could it?

                        wasnt that from Sesame Street? i remember that! heh :lol:

                        why yes it is from sesame street
                          100 Posts
                          18 years, 1 month ago
                          ive seen Peewee's Big Adventure enough times to know that this ISNT what the thread starter is talking about.

                          i think I do remember the sequence described..

                          the only thing that comes to mind is that horrid series of 'christian' VHS movie things called "Mcgee & Me". in case nobody understands what im talking about, Mcgee & Me featured this ugly blonde kid, who loved to draw or something, but his artistry never actually improved at all within the bizzare timeline of the movies. anyway, his drawing, Mcgee (this ugly little troll with sideburns), would come to life and help him make good christian decisions.
                          thing is, neither of them would EVER make good decisions. the formula of every movie was that they would make the worst decisions possible, and then have to deal with the consequences when everything went to hell in a handbasket. The main character was a total dick.

                          in retrospect, the elaborate contraption in the intro to Mcgee & Me led up to a pencil sharpener, not an alarm clock.
                          but im pretty certain I remember the scene that was described from somewhere..

                          now ill NEVER get to sleep.
                          Im sorry, but our princess is at another castle.
                            63 Posts
                            18 years, 1 month ago
                            Yep that was defiantly “Mcgee and Me.” I remembered the minute you described it. It was the only TV I was allowed to watch at my Grandmothers house, that and those Christian tapes about that singing praise book….what was he called…Salty or something suitably inappropriate. (It was a live action show where a Guy in a costume of a giant blue Hymnal would have all these kids in terrible 80’s fashion running around after him constantly singing irritating songs.)
                            Oh, and there was a lightning bug that sang in a terribly fake scottish accent…God what was that woman trying to do to me.
                            "Its the most fun in the park, when you're laughing in the dark...."
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