17 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
I'm trying to think of the name of this movie.. I saw it a while ago but I completely blanked out. It's about this one guy who gets killed and goes to heaven.. and in heaven he meets this girl and they fall in love, but shes gods daughter or something.. and they want to be together but I think god tells them they have to go live their lives again.. and if they find eachother in their next life it was meant to be. The girl is born to this really rich family but the guy is abused. Later in their lives they find eachother and eventually remember. Its probably from the mid 80s-early 90s. Thanks!
    987 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    Sound like,.
    Made in Heaven

    A young man dies while saving a couple who had driven their car into a pond. While in heaven he meets and falls in love with a soul of a woman yet to be born. Eventually her time comes and she leaves. The young man begs God,(or maybe the top angel) to be reborn himself. He's allowed to go back, but he'd have to get the first random chance he had available, and he'd only have 30 years to find her. The lovers are born in different economic conditions (his poor, hers privileged), and hundreds of miles apart. As their lives progress she enters a failed relationship and she wonders why she's miserable. He runs away from his abusive home and becomes a musician. He vaguely remembers a tune he had in his head as long as he remembers; it was their song while they were in heaven. He's discovered and the song becomes a hit, and he tours the country. They both subconsciously search for each other
      17 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      Yes that's it! Thanks :D
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