While kids are intelligent, we still have to be very clear with our message, otherwise kids might misunderstand, and end up like Ricky Bobby (Talladega Nights), thinking that winning is all that matters.
That's why kid's anime characters have multiple personalities with different approaches to civic virtues vs. competitive virtues. It doesn't beat morals into your head. That may be scarry to parents, but it's only a matter of time before they realize that moral questioning is natural and necessary part of development.
So yeah, I don't see why they couldn't do a better job than they did in the '80s with their simplistic moral comments. They did the job fine, but there's certainly room for improvement.
That's what I totally disagree about. I despise PSA because they just make drugs seam cool, bullying is cool, movies are better than books, sharing is for dorks, and other non ethics all due to the fact that public service messages are incredibly partronizing and socially unintelligent. And as far as I am concerned anything not involving social intelligence is doomed for failure.