TheCaptain's Avatar
51 Posts
18 years ago
I'm trying to track down the title of a great little gem that came out in the 1980's. The movie is about a boy, who lives with his father (I think a sister also),near a lake or a rock quarry. There is a local legend about a "Loch Ness" type of monster living in the water. The boy does some investigating and becomes obessed with discovering what it really is. After doing some experiments, the boy comes to a conclusion that a mechanical crane, that was used years back in creating a bridge, is what in the source of the "monster" legend. At the end of the movie, he dives and somehow gets stuck inside the jaws of the machine, and has to get rescued by his down and local authorities. I cannot remeber what the title of the film is or who stars in it. It came on HBO and The Disney Channel I believe. If anyone has any recollection I'd appreciate any help! Thanks!
"Mother Brain will catch you my sweetie!"
    Badkitty's Avatar
    912 Posts
    18 years ago
    I think I remember seeing this on the Disney channel, it had the kid from ET in in it. It's called the quest aka Frog Dreaming and came out in 1986.
    I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much... yummier
      473 Posts
      18 years ago
      It's the quest.

      I have it on tape.
        80sVidKid's Avatar
        1169 Posts
        18 years ago
        Remember actually seeing that on the big screen in a theater in town 22 years ago.
        - From The King of Esoteric
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