4 Posts
18 years ago
there was one with an origami duckling,
one with the sand pictures (a-e-i-o-u lalalalala etc)
and I vaguely remember a show where it was just a blue background and an animated man who walked along this line, spoke in gibberish and had to get the 'artist' to draw his way around or through obstacles... anyone remember these shows? (p.s I'm from Australia)
"Inspiration is a momentary thought, derivative of TOO MUCH CAFFEINE and LACK OF SLEEP!"
    987 Posts
    18 years ago
    "there was one with an origami duckling,"
    Quaq quao

    Quaq quao

    "one with the sand pictures (a-e-i-o-u lalalalala etc)"


    "I vaguely remember a show where it was just a blue background and an animated man who walked along this line, spoke in gibberish and had to get the 'artist' to draw his way around or through obstacles... anyone remember these shows?"

    Sounds like the series of animated shorts titled
    La Linea (75)

    La Linea shorts[/b][/url]
      80sVidKid's Avatar
      1169 Posts
      18 years ago
      "there was one with an origami duckling,"
      Quaq quao

      Quaq quao

      While I don't remember this at all, I did spotted another one from the same group I had seen on Nickelodeon back in it's early heydays of '83 or so...
      "The Red and the Blue"

      "I vaguely remember a show where it was just a blue background and an animated man who walked along this line, spoke in gibberish and had to get the 'artist' to draw his way around or through obstacles... anyone remember these shows?"

      Sounds like the series of animated shorts titled
      La Linea (75)

      La Linea shorts[/b][/url]
      It's great what you can find very easily online nowadays!
      - From The King of Esoteric
        4 Posts
        18 years ago
        hey thanx so much pplz! *nostalgic*
        "Inspiration is a momentary thought, derivative of TOO MUCH CAFFEINE and LACK OF SLEEP!"
          Retro_Ru-Bot's Avatar
          180 Posts
          18 years ago
          Wasn't "La Linea" on the Great Space Coaster at one time???
          "Enthusiasm mediocre; keep in mind the animals are DEAD!"
            4 Posts
            17 years, 11 months ago
            I remember these. I think they filled in time between shows. Also do you remember the one with the plasticine man? I think he changed shape or made things out of plasticine too.
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