Ok, the first show I think they used claymation or some sort and it was about a mailman who always kept mailing stuff to different people he knew on his route and and thats what the show was about. It was popular in the 90s.
This second show was on YTV(Canada) and it was about these puppets and all i can remember is that there was this one puppet who had green hair and the setting was in a dark forrest. The name is on the tip of my tounge but i cant figure it out.
This third show was a childrens show that was a very popular show in Canada and I know there was like 5 segments to this show. And there was this one segment i remember that there was this guy (i forgot his name) who made stuff out of recycling junk. like for example, he once made a plane out of a coca cola 1 litre bottle. I hope you can name this show it was one of my favourites as a kid.
This last show is hard for me to remember, so bare with me. the show was a childrens show from the late 80s or early 90s, and all i can remember from this show was this man who had his own platform with a city and there was like a train that would ride around and send stuff to another room or something. Can anyone remember?