79987 Posts
18 years ago
Back in the late 80s, there was this unusual device that played special VHS tapes that prompted the user to Interact with the video at certain times. I know that there have been tapes with The Muppets and Disney, and that it was major leauge expensive--like $300 or so--but that's all I know. What the hell was the name of that device?
    79987 Posts
    18 years ago
    Back in the late 80s, there was this unusual device that played special VHS tapes that prompted the user to Interact with the video at certain times. I know that there have been tapes with The Muppets and Disney, and that it was major leauge expensive--like $300 or so--but that's all I know. What the hell was the name of that device?

    I believe it was called "Captain Power"
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