18 years ago
On the beginning of this show there is a guy who talks about a story before the show for 2 minutes and then the show begins and the show is about this kid who pretty much looks like the kid version of the guy at the beginning of the show(who btw looks like a chris farley with blonde hair and his teeth are crooked) and the show is about this kids life. And this show isn't 'Bobby's World.' This show is probably made in the early or mid 90's.
    rebornterra's Avatar
    238 Posts
    18 years ago
    if it's live action it might be the wonder years
    rebornterra's Signature Image
    Here today gone tomarrow
      18 years ago
      No it isn't 'Wonder years', and this show is a cartoon. I am trying to figure out the name of that guy at the beginning of the show. I know he does stand-up comedy but if you showed me a pic of him i can point him out.
        18 years ago
        Would it be "Life with Louie" with comic Louie Anderson

          18 years ago
          Would it be "Life with Louie" with comic Louie Anderson


          That's it!, thanks man.
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