334 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
More than war, politics or religion - often pop culture gives our life meaning. What are you memories of how pop culture defined your life?
    334 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    I have many memories associated with films I viewed on VHS. Often these were associated with moments that were altering my life. Such as: the first time I saw THE ROAD WARRIOR and my parents shutting it off in the first five minutes. . . . I was just hitting puberty . . . Or when a friend and I holed up, hiding from high school seniors who were bent upon "T-ing" us :mad: (shaving freshmen heads with shears ala DAZED AND CONFUSED's paddling . . . thank you, Tyler, Texas!) and we watched EVIL DEAD 2 twice while munching on ordered pizza. Watching MEMPHIS BELLE with a girlfriend while a senior in high school. Viewing Halloween I-III at a friend's house for a slumber party in sixth grade.
      334 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      It's interesting how the radio is the soundtrack of our lives, but VHS movies seem to be the visual interludes of our lives.
        548 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Even people (Me probably being the only one) my age have enjoyed the VHS. Usually when I was little, we only had kid tapes, but as I got older I mounted up a decent sized collection. Note to Wooster: Use the edit button to condense posts instead of creating multiple ones.
        The Tall Man: "You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us!"
          the-micro-man's Avatar
          3492 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          (Weird) Memories I had associated with VHS:

          - Loved the sound of a "tape hiss" (and still do)

          - White Screen of Death

          - I thought my Grandma's TV was filled with Lemonade

          - Telephone Sound

          - I learned to fast-forward and rewind by myself when I was 4

          - There was a educational cheap puppet video (Kayvee knows what I'm talking about) that I was so afraid of that eventually my Mom gave the tape a spanking and threw it in the trash
            Ilikethepixies's Avatar
            5870 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            You have some nice thoughts here, Wooster. Gotta work on your r's though Its "Rrrrrooster, rrrrooster", not "wwwooster". With practice, you'll get it.

            Anyways, the film Magnolia, while not that retro (1999) makes me think of a time in my life when I laid in bed with my now ex-girlfriend all day in darkness, watching movies.... day after day, never venturing out untill it was after sunset. Kind of an odd time in my life.
              JoltCola's Avatar
              132 Posts
              17 years, 9 months ago
              The most interesting part of watching tapes you've recorded on VHS is that your "version" becomes "THE version".

              For example. . .I watched our TV version of Teen Wolf (VHS recording) about 50 times during my childhood. I edited out the commercials myself, by hitting pause when they started and un-pausing when the movie started up again. Sometimes, I'd miss the first line or so when the movie started up again. So for years, I'd missed lines of the movie. . . . So now if I were to watch it (it was on the other day) I find myself saying "Wow. . .Styles really said that?"

              Also, I taped Weird Science off of TV. . . .and all the cuss words were badly dubbed over. . . .to this day, I still don't know some of the actual words used in that movie. . .I saw our "version" so many times!
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 9 months ago
                The most interesting part of watching tapes you've recorded on VHS is that your "version" becomes "THE version".

                Haha, thats a good point, Jolt.
                  priapic's Avatar
                  250 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  I still Watch VHS tapes.I even buy them still at times.I have tapes that have been watched so many times that its like watching the movie through a fishbowl.....totally warped :)And I love the suspense of waiting for it to rewind since I never do it after watching it the time before.Gives me time to get a snack ,drink and a pee in before i sit down to watch it.:cool:
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