How did you know his name? lol I liked his voice, it really added to his character. Any chance do you remember the song that was sung while the bear picked up the garbage. The short fat Ranger sang it. Heres a pic of the old duck professor for those of you that have no idea what I was talking about....
anyone ever see the sing along where professor ludwig von drake played the guitar and sang about colors? well when i was little that was one of my faves, and at the end he smashed the guitar up. so i would always smash my guitar up that i had too. it was ducktaped together multiple times. good memories of the professor
yeah from disney sing alongs. i used to have like all of them
mine stopped working because i watched them too many times. i definately got my moneys worth outta em
LOL,that happened to my Aladdin tape.
this happened to my peter pan tape too, my mom bought me at least 2 more copies because i watched it so much
yeah, someday ill make an invincible storage system for all your entertainment needs...and i think ill call it.........."ipod"......just kidding, but thats what its coming to
yeah but i dont think the PSP is doing so good, is it?