990 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
I know this isn't retro because it lasted 2000-2004 but i'm just curious does anyone here happen to remember the Boomerang block that used to come on Cartoon Network on weekends? It used to come on weekend mornings from 6am-8am and I believe when CN first created the Boom channel to begin with they had a sunday evening and saturday afternoon Boom blocks too the sunday evening Boom block was pulled first than the saturday afternoon block was pulled next leaving the weekend morn block the exclusive Boom block on the network but than the saturday afternoon block made a very brief return but than not too long after the weekend morning block was the exclusive Boom block yet again than it was cut down to only saturdays from 6am-8am than it became weekends from 6am-7am than it was weekends at 6am than it was gone. This Boom block was run a bit differnt from the channel the channel you see actually had a schedule with shows with perm slots the block would just re-run cartoon episodes based on what year they were doing for that specific day I believe they aired cartoon episodes anywhere from 1957-1986 for example if they were showing cartoon episodes from the year 1962 it is very likely you'd see either Top Cat Flintstones or Jetsons, if they were showing cartoon episodes from the year 1959 it is likely you'd see either Huck Hound Quick Draw or Ruff & Reddy, if they were showing cartoon episodes from the year 1986 it is likely you'd see either Flintstone kids yogi's treasure hunt smurfs or snorks and so forth.
    avaitor's Avatar
    789 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    I do remember it,Amazing Chan & The Chan Clan and the '80's Jonny Quest were on there frequentely,though.
      COOLHAND's Avatar
      2938 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      yeah the adventures of johnny quest had and awesome theme song
        blueryan913's Avatar
        716 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        You should check the old newspaper microfilm at your local library for your Sunday papers' tv guide section.
          17 years, 8 months ago
            brown_eyed1's Avatar
            1948 Posts
            17 years, 8 months ago
            I remember watching this late at night, like The Flintstones and stuff.
            Cookie!!! OM NOM NOM!
              3338 Posts
              17 years, 8 months ago
              I remember it. I remembered it when the were showing two shows from 1982, they played Pac-Man and The Smurfs. It was awesome.
                990 Posts
                17 years, 8 months ago
                I remember it. I remembered it when the were showing two shows from 1982, they played Pac-Man and The Smurfs. It was awesome.

                I'm not sure if I saw that or not but I do remember back when I was a kid in 2002 i'd look up CN listings a lot over my grandma's house on there computer and I saw that pac-man was scheduled on the time of the day quite often. Back than CN's schedules section didn't have the color category for a specific block like it does now but I just knew it was during the Boomerang block because i'd always see Boomerang bumps used and not the same scheduling as ever weekend morning when i'd wake up at 6 on saturdays.
                  Javiomar's Avatar
                  61 Posts
                  17 years, 8 months ago
                  The Boomerang 2002 schedule was repeated three times a day the same cartoons.

                  I remember watching the 1978 block. Laff-A-Lympics, Skatebirds, and other two.
                    88 Posts
                    17 years, 8 months ago
                    I remember this was the only time I could get my Pirates of Dark Water fix (had to set my alarm to get up at 4 in the am though but it was worth it)
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