Rozzi's Avatar
16 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
If we all write letter to the networks (like Nick and disney) to see if they can have a week when they can put all of the old show s on and maybe even some movies.:D
    MemoryChip's Avatar
    605 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    Cartoon Network does this(Cartoon Cartoons)

    and yeah, I believe if we get alot of people we may be able to bring back those good shows!

    Let's give it a try if we can
    I Love the 90's

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    we are seriosuly in need of active members(please read and join)
      COOLHAND's Avatar
      2938 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      Organize a date, and im set
        Rozzi's Avatar
        16 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        It needs to be a week that almost every one can agree with like spring break or something:cool:
          Rozzi's Avatar
          16 Posts
          17 years, 7 months ago
          where do send request for shows on Nick because if we get nick disney is sure to follow
            1032 Posts
            17 years, 7 months ago
            I have always been a big fan of writing or emailing stations about programming. If people have doubts I will give you an example here it is. I'm a big horror fan and my favorite time a year is around Halloween because of the movies. Well in 2002 it was my first year watching Monsterfest on AMC and it rocked I loved. I would watch monsterfest every year but I noticed it was horrible in 03, 04, and especially in 05. So what I did was write AMC every month last year with different types of horror movies that I would like to see. Do you know that they showed most of the movies I requested along with other horror fans who wrote them.I thought that was cool and the thing about it was they responded back everytime I wrote them. I also wrote Willy Wonka candy company and they wrote back explaingin the situation of the a type off candy that they discontinued in the 80's. And when we write we can't write to them being negative a and expecting the station to listen we have to write them with thanksgiving because sometimes in order to get sometime you have to humble yourself and maybe this think can work. Just let me know the date because I will be ready
              Megagents's Avatar
              1257 Posts
              17 years, 7 months ago
              I am with this plan 100% and as it's been previously said, set a date, hopefully one that we can all agree on, and let's do this. Just so we're clear, we're writing to Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Disney Channel, right?
                Rozzi's Avatar
                16 Posts
                17 years, 7 months ago
                Yes and for the date I was thinking about thanks giving week or around laborday
                  kayvee's Avatar
                  3672 Posts
                  17 years, 7 months ago
                  this sounds like a bogus plan.
                    Megagents's Avatar
                    1257 Posts
                    17 years, 7 months ago
                    Yes and for the date I was thinking about thanks giving week or around laborday

                    Not that i'm complaining but any particular why it should be around Thanksgiving? Just asking.

                    this sounds like a bogus plan.

                    Look here, I try my best not to start trouble on forums, it's out of my character so i'll say this nicely, this is something that's important to a lot of people so if you don't like what we're talking about, go to another topic, ok?
                      kayvee's Avatar
                      3672 Posts
                      17 years, 7 months ago
                      Thanks, Megagents, but I don’t need you to tell me what threads to stay out of.

                      My comment reflected how I felt when I read Rozzi’s posts. There seems to be a lack of any solid ground to move this petition forward. You may want to consider taking this operation over and moving it to the proper outlet.
                        Megagents's Avatar
                        1257 Posts
                        17 years, 7 months ago
                        I was merely informing you that it's not good manners to insult people in a discussion you don't care for. It's just common sense.

                        As for this outlet in which you spoke, may you please elaborate?
                          Rozzi's Avatar
                          16 Posts
                          17 years, 7 months ago
                          Not that i'm complaining but any particular why it should be around Thanksgiving? Just asking.

                          I don't know I'm trying to get a holiday that every body is home for some part of it. Plus the holiday season is bad because the networks have Christmas specials on.
                            Rozzi's Avatar
                            16 Posts
                            17 years, 7 months ago
                            and for Kayee I already have support from my friends and family but I want to see how many others were intrested that's why there's a poll at the top of this tread.If you're not for it that's your problem but when the date is posted and your jaw drops make sure that you don't go around and tell ppl that you were apart of this because of right now your history :D
                              1032 Posts
                              17 years, 7 months ago
                              Hey Rozzi come up with a date that's all I think it should be before the summer ends because in the summer that's when networks paln their lineup for the fall. Also that's when most people are at home watching tv. I say do it immediately while you have people's attention, while everyone wants to do it now. There's no time to wait the door is open and now it time to go through it. I start writing the letter tomprrow night and I should be done by Friday and ready for the date.
                                kayvee's Avatar
                                3672 Posts
                                17 years, 7 months ago
                                and for Kayee If you're not for it that's your problem but when the date is posted and your jaw drops make sure that you don't go around and tell ppl that you were apart of this because of right now your history :D

                                I admire your spunk, Rozzi.
                                  Rozzi's Avatar
                                  16 Posts
                                  17 years, 7 months ago
                                  Hey Rozzi come up with a date that's all I think it should be before the summer ends because in the summer that's when networks paln their lineup for the fall. Also that's when most people are at home watching tv. I say do it immediately while you have people's attention, while everyone wants to do it now. There's no time to wait the door is open and now it time to go through it. I start writing the letter tomprrow night and I should be done by Friday and ready for the date.

                                  August ... I would like to do it when ppl are not in school but I don't know the time ppl start school unless we can get it to air at night then august 5 but that's too close. How about november. It's not only up to me ya'll are going to be watching too so we all need to come up with a date
                                    kayvee's Avatar
                                    3672 Posts
                                    17 years, 7 months ago
                                    This is going nowhere fast...

                                    Set the date, Rozz.
                                      Rozzi's Avatar
                                      16 Posts
                                      17 years, 7 months ago
                                      November 5th and all the letter should be in the mail but the 15th of next month but I need some on with the address to give it up
                                        kayvee's Avatar
                                        3672 Posts
                                        17 years, 7 months ago
                                        Good job, that's right after daylight saving time ends. Everyone is in a better mood around that time of year.
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