VibraEssentia's Avatar
17 years, 10 months ago
There was a candy in the 80's called Candelicious. On its commercial, there was a dinosaur singing the jingle. Here's what I remember of the jingle:

Fruity, delicious,
Bigger than you figure,
Five candelicious, bigger than you figure,

Am I the only person that remembers that candy?
    pikachulover's Avatar
    2944 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    I remember that candy. The only reason I do is because I have the commercial for it on an old tape. I remember my mom and I would watch the tape in like the mid to late 90s and say "whatever happened to that candy?"
      VibraEssentia's Avatar
      17 years, 10 months ago
      I remember that candy. The only reason I do is because I have the commercial for it on an old tape. I remember my mom and I would watch the tape in like the mid to late 90s and say "whatever happened to that candy?"

      I wondered the same thing. The candy was pretty good and I loved the commercial.
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