473 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
What did people think of the remake. Theres been some pretty good remakes in the 80's like The Fly and The Thing. I think its a great remake maybe not a classic film but the gore in it was awesome. I love the original still but this was the best for me. I think Kevin Dillon was pretty good in this its a shame hes a TV actor now.
    688 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    They did a great job with it. The original looked like a bag of Jiffy-pop with personal space issues.
      334 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      It's a fun, popcorn re-make . . . unlike Carpenter's THING . . . which has some intriguing moments, but overall is poorly paced and overrated . . . I am about to receive some death threats as I write this . . . I insulted one of the holy grails of geekdom! BUT, as a defense, I am a huge Carpenter fan!
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