RetroLulu1986's Avatar
263 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Anyone remember this magazine? I was subscribed to it when I was younger, and I was wondering who else read this magazine. I remember I used to look for the Goofus and Gallant section. Gallant was such an ass kisser. I also enjoyed reading the timbertoes (I think that was the name?), and I liked the sections where you were supposed to find the hidden objects and circle them. I thought the magazine was really fun & educational with all the short stories, advice columns, and had lots of arts & crafts ideas. Anyone else like reading highlights?
    79987 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    Anyone remember this magazine? I was subscribed to it when I was younger, and I was wondering who else read this magazine. I remember I used to look for the Goofus and Gallant section. Gallant was such an ass kisser. I also enjoyed reading the timbertoes (I think that was the name?), and I liked the sections where you were supposed to find the hidden objects and circle them. I thought the magazine was really fun & educational with all the short stories, advice columns, and had lots of arts & crafts ideas. Anyone else like reading highlights?

    I remember that. I used to read it while waiting to get my allergy shots....evil damned magazine. ;)
      Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
      2505 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      i did a thread on this, alot of people said they hated it cause it was boring and it was at the dentist office which most people hate
        RetroLulu1986's Avatar
        263 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        Whoops Sorry, didn't know. Then disregard the thread if you want to.
          Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
          2505 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          thats completely allright, only the mods can do that though
            HarryReems's Avatar
            2067 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            Oh yes. I remember those, epecially goofus & gallant. Those dudes knew how to party.
            And yeah, it seemed like every dentist had an endless supply of these things.
            I think these magazines were for parents who wanted their kids to learn. I made my folks get me ninja turtles magazines instead, cause I would trade learning for karate chopping stuff anyday.
              Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
              801 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              I used to look at Highlights in all of the waiting rooms I've been to in the past as a kid. I always had to read that tinker toy people comic strip that was always in each issue. I usually never got a chance to ever do any of the activities since other kids would always beat me to the punch.
              (Hordak Alpha))

                Derk's Avatar
                1422 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                I remember when I was in first grade we would have contests to see who could complete the "hidden picture" activity first. I think I ended up getting a subscription to the magazine solely for the "hidden picture" thing.
                  bamfingnightcrawler's Avatar
                  17 years, 10 months ago
                  I remember it. The only thing I actually read/did was the hidden pictures.
                    brown_eyed1's Avatar
                    1948 Posts
                    17 years, 10 months ago
                    Anyone remember this magazine? I was subscribed to it when I was younger, and I was wondering who else read this magazine. I remember I used to look for the Goofus and Gallant section. Gallant was such an ass kisser.

                    That was my favorite too. I don't know about you, but Goofus had MY vote :D
                    Cookie!!! OM NOM NOM!
                      tonewinwy's Avatar
                      983 Posts
                      17 years, 10 months ago
                      Highlights ROCKS I used to get them as a kid. I still read them when I'm at my cousin's house her sons now gets it.
                      It's OK, next time I'll make you listen. I wish that it were in the power of all children to say that to their parents and to know that indeed they would be heard as we were in those wonderful days on Waltons Mountain.Narrator The Waltons (From the Runawa
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